Monday 24 February 2014

Make Me Marvellous with Minimal Money Mondays: The Life of a Token Expat

Week 1:  Well, At Least It Ain't Poop

     So, I am an unemployed traveller, an expat if you will.  Many times I am the only person of colour in the environments/cities/places I travel, I know, don't ask...well, you can if you reeeeeeally want to know  :)  Often, I am asked how I survive without a steady job, especially with my daughter in tow.  This Monday I've chosen to address the issue - I, we, live, not just survive by WWOOFing, I know, shocking, city girls on a farm.  But, if ya wanna save money, be exposed to many cultures and be able to live all the while, you miiiiiiiight need to do the unexpected, go outside your comfort zone.  WWOOFing is DEFINITELY outside my comfort zone. 

     But, then, while living as a WWOOFer/traveller/expat/single mom/token person of colour, the brain juices started to really flow (yup, I said it token person of colour.  Just wait, Timbo will elaborate).  What if, what if, there was a way to live without money, similar to a token economy, an economy of old, where goods and necessities were valued above the almighty dollar (see the play on words there, token economy, token person of colour, coloured lips, global trips, get with it, y'all:)  So far, so good.  Though I've been abroad for a while now, this is the first time I've centered it on a theme.  I have the first week ready and roaring to be posted.  So, y'all, it's possible.  It's possible to travel around the world utilising minimal money and feel marvellous all the while.  First video to be posted soon entitled, (Video) Week 1:  Well, At Least It Ain't Poop (Farm Life in Belgium)

Ciao 4 Now, Y'All! 

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